Mammal Conservation Europe uses evidence-based advocacy to achieve thriving populations of European mammals. We are therefore establishing and maintaining a network of mammal experts and NGOs, ensuring an efficient flow of information to policymakers, lobbyists and the private sectors, and facilitating improved surveillance and conservation action for mammals across Europe. The network is highly inclusive and we aim to involve mammal conservation partners from across Europe, with members of the network supporting each other to achieve our common goals with all legal means available.

Collaboration between experts, NGOs and other stakeholders is vital to achieve effective conservation and monitoring of mammals across Europe. Many species are migratory, or have populations that extend across national boundaries, and therefore international cooperation is crucial.  We invite people and organisations who are passionate about mammal conservation to work together to influence policy, monitor mammals, review evidence, and achieve practical conservation actions. We aim to share experiences and knowledge across generations and between different kinds of organisations, and welcome innovative approaches to solving the many difficulties faced by our mammal populations.

We work on terrestrial, semi-aquatic and marine mammal species, focusing on improving knowledge of their presence, distribution and abundance at national and international geographic scales. Our work includes rare, endangered and elusive species, as well as abundant species that are critical to ecosystem functioning. We build capacity for using new surveillance methods, including camera trapping, radio-telemetry, bioacoustics, and genetic monitoring, across the continent. We also emphasise the importance of monitoring habitat quality, connectivity, trends, and possible management strategies that may improve conservation outcomes.  Harmonisation of research and monitoring methodologies, and the facilitation of data flows between organisations, will lead to better-informed large-scale management of mammals and their habitats.

There is an urgent need to improve capacity for mammal monitoring, data collation, and practical conservation action, in many countries in Europe.  We will therefore support the development of local and national organisations, sharing examples of good practice and assisting with access to resources.  These organisations will be important parts of the MCE network, and will in future provide the skills and advocacy needed for effective mammal conservation across the continent.

MCE promotes mammal conservation and research among institutions, communities and other nature conservation stakeholders. We operate an Open Access policy, making all our strategic documents, action plans, reports, monitoring methods, experiences, photos and videos of species, best practice cases on nature protection easily available. We use different communication channels including social media, information portals, national and international media, newsletters, conferences, workshops, training, meetings, summer camps, study tours and outdoor education. We discuss with politicians and statutory bodies the urgent issues of mammal conservation and highlight research gaps.