Mammal Conservation Europe (MCE) was legally founded in November 2021 by a consortium of NGOs focused on mammal conservation and research.
They share the vision of MCE: To achieve thriving populations of native European mammals, in a world where mammals and humans live together in harmony.
For some basic facts on the mammals of Europe CLICK HERE!
Our Aim
Тo improve the conservation of European mammals and their habitats by exchanging knowledge between partner organisations, and by building capacity for mammal conservation across Europe. Through working together, we can provide a much stronger voice for mammal conservation. We will also be more effective at conducting research, and be in a better position to apply for funding to benefit all partners. Such a model has been used effectively for many years for bird and butterfly conservation, and it is now time for the mammal conservation community to come together.
Our Mission
Mammal Conservation Europe uses evidence-based advocacy to achieve thriving populations of European mammals. We are therefore establishing and maintaining a network of mammal experts and NGOs, ensuring an efficient flow of information to policymakers, lobbyists and the private sectors, and facilitating improved surveillance and conservation action for mammals across Europe. The network is highly inclusive and we aim to involve mammal conservation partners from across Europe, with members of the network supporting each other to achieve our common goals with all legal means available.
Board members

Chair: Fiona Mathews, Professor of Environmental Biology, University of Sussex UK. f.mathews@sussex.ac.uk;
The Mammal Society (UK)
Fiona was Chair of the UK’s Mammal Society UK (2015-2021), and before that headed their Scientific Advisory Committee. She is known particularly for her work on bats, including research on light and sound pollution, urban expansion and agricultural intensification, and wind energy generation, and is part of the Eurobats Scientific Advisory Committee. However, she has a wide interest in all mammals, having led the review of the population and conservation status of British mammals as well as the first IUCN-compliant Red Lists. She is currently leading the Mammal Society’s Otter Survey of England. Fiona has run the odd marathon to raise money for wildlife and enjoys wild swimming all year round.

Secretary: Wilmar Remmelts, Retired Senior Policy Advisor;
Dutch Mammal Society
Wilmar worked at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands as senior Policy Advisor in the field of international species conservation. She represented the Netherlands in all nature Conventions, Directives and Treaties that deal with the protection of birds and terrestrial species. Before her international work she was involved for many years in (the development of) national monitoring schemes for marine and terrestrial species. Wilmar likes to watch birds and lichens! She counts birds on a regular basis and is the chair of the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. She was briefly involved in Calutra the Beaver- and Otter working group of the Dutch Mammal Society. When at home gardening or playin the piano will keep her occupied.

Treasurer: Svetlana Miteva, Nature and Biodiversity Consultant;
The European Mammal Foundation
Svetlana (MSc in Ecology and Nature conservation, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria) lives in The Netherlands and Bulgaria. She has worked with different NGOs on nature conservation projects on birds and butterflies in Europe. Currently her focus is on contributing to mammal research and conservation in Europe. She is also a board member of the European Mammal Foundation, The Field Study Group at the Dutch Mammal Society, and volunteer at The Habitat Foundation, The Netherlands. Svetlana likes swimming and snorkelling, hiking and looking for anything magical the nature can offer like birds, mammals, orchids, mushrooms and stones.
Board member: Sandro Bertolino, Professor of Ecology, University of Torino, Italy;
Italian Mammal Society
Sandro is an animal ecologist and chair of the Italian Mammal Society. He has broad research interests in how species and communities adapt to global changes and conducts studies on the behaviour, ecology and population dynamics of vertebrates, focusing on mammals. His research aims to improve species conservation, supporting the development of science-based conservation strategies. Sandro enjoys hiking in the mountains, watching animals, and travelling abroad. He also loves Rock music.

Board member: Gábor Csorba, Senior Researcher at the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Hungary;
The Mammal Conservation Group at BirdLife Hungary
Gabor is the head of the Department of Zoology in the Hungarian Natural History Museum and president of the Hungarian Mammal Conservation Group. His main interests are the conservation biology of Hungarian mammals, the systematics of blind mole-rats (Spalacidae) and the systematics and distribution of Southeast Asian bats. He is lucky enough to author (with several co-authors, of course) more than 40 new taxa of bats, and so it is no wonder that his favourite mammal species is the Northern Woolly horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus perniger). Gabor’s free time hobby is collecting and cataloguing Hungarian stamped bricks from the last 400 years, of which over 10,000 different types exist!

Board member: Bledi Hohxa, Project leader at PPNEA, Albania;
Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania
Bledi (MSc in Biology from the University of Tirana, Albania) has been working at PPNEA since 2009. He focuses on the conservation of large carnivores, like the Balkan lynx and brown bear in Albania, primarily in the most important habitats where these species occur, such as Munella Nature Park, Shebenik National Park and Prespa National Park. Bledi has been involved as expert for mammals in the EU-project NaturAL, which aimed to assess and prepare the future Natura2000 network in Albania. He has good skills in snow tracking, telemetry, and camera trapping and is a co-author of a variety of articles on large carnivore ecology and conservation.

Board member: George Mitsainas, Assist. Prof. of Mammalian Diversity, University of Patras, Greece;
Hellenic Zoological Society
George is a zoologist who is interested in mammalian chromosomal evolution, biodiversity, phylogeography and conservation, and loves field work. He is also the Secretary of the Hellenic Zoological Society. For several years he was Director/Coordinator of the Management Body of the National Park of Mt. Aenos on Cephalonia Island, where monitoring programs and management plans were designed and implemented. His main research is on small mammals, particularly voles and mice, and, lately, dormice, but also other species, such as the otter. His free time is happily ‘consumed’ by his three toddlers, but he also enjoys hiking, snorkelling, and travelling abroad.

Board member: Frank E. Zachos, Head of the Mammal Collection at the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria and affiliated professor at UFS, Bloemfontein, South Africa;
German Society for Mammalian Biology
Frank is an evolutionary zoologist with a particular interest in biodiversity, evolution, systematics, phylogeography and conservation of mammals, as well as in the history and philosophy of biology. His main zoological research is on ungulates, especially deer. His favourite mammal is the extinct blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus). Frank was editor-in-chief of the journal Mammalian Biology for 15 years. At present, he is the editor of the Mammalia series within the Handbook of Zoology, co-editor of the Handbook of the Mammals of Europe, and president of the German Society for Mammalian Biology. Apart from studying mammals, as a hobby wildlife photographer, he also likes taking pictures of them.

The Mammal Society (MS) provides evidence for mammal conservation. MS includes academics, practitioners, volunteers, and public interested in wildlife conservation. We produced the first Red List for British Mammals, the UK Mammal Atlas, and guidance to the Welsh Government on the conservation of water voles. We run national surveys, e.g., for the otter, the harvest mouse, and the mountain hare. MS’s free smartphone app helps engage volunteers with wildlife monitoring.

The European Mammal Foundation is an independent charity, registered in the Netherlands. The main focus is on the production of the next European Mammal Atlas, involving mammal experts from all European countries. EMF supports field studies on mammals in Europe, filling up data gaps on species and areas, aiming at informing policy and conservation of the European mammalian fauna.

The Dutch Mammal Society, founded in 1952, is dedicated to the study and protection of mammals, primarily in the Netherlands, involving volunteers, both professional and amateur mammal experts. DMS includes 14 working groups, one of which if the Field Study Group, specialized in mammal surveys in partnership with similar organisations in Europe. DMS publishes the popular Zoogdier and the scientific Lutra.”

Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) founded in 1991, is the first environmental NGO in Albania. PPNEA holds expertise in nature and biodiversity conservation, environmental education, promotion of a sustainable livelihood and natural resources management. PPNEA works on research and conservation of the Balkan lynx, wetlands and coastal areas, important for in-numerous breeding, wintering and migratory birds.

The Hellenic Zoological Society, founded in 1980 in Athens, Greece. The Society’s goal is the study of the geographical distribution (zoogeography), the ecology and taxonomy of animals in Greece, and the protection and conservation of the fauna of Greece. It publishes various scientific works on related issues and every three years it organizes the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR)

The Associazione Teriologica Italiana (ATIt) brings together researchers and practitioners on mammal research and conservation. ATIt promotes basic and applied research, conservation and management of mammals and their habitats, dissemination of up-to-date knowledge on these species, collaborates with national and international institutions, assists the EU HD Art.17 reporting, assessments for national Red Lists and the application of the IAS Regulation.

The Mammal Conservation Group at BirdLife Hungary
The Mammal Conservation Group of Hungary is part of the BirdLife Hungary (the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society), the largest NGO in the country. Beside the management of mammal distribution records, done in close cooperation with GOs and NGOs, the current main projects are on bat conservation, and steppe-dweller small mammals including blind mole rats, Hungarian birch mouse, European hamster, and Steppe polecat.

Founded in 1926, the German Society for Mammalian Biology is an integrative institution aiming at fostering research and conservation of mammal species in their natural habitats, and exchange of information between organisations working in the field of mammalogy. We pursue this by editing the scientific journal “Mammalian Biology” and by regular scientific meetings, where topics on mammalian biology are discussed.

The Spanish Association for the Conservation and Research of Bats (SECEMU), founded in 1989 is a non-profit national organisation that brings together people interested in conducting scientific research, conservation and promotion of the protection of the bats of Spain. . SECEMU edits the scientific Journal of Bat Research & Conservation (JBRC), coordinates work on the effects of wind turbines on bats, science communication and education, and recently, also the compilation of the Atlas of Bats in Spain.

Wildlife Montenegro
Wildlife Montenegro was established in 2019 by biologists and nature enthusiasts, deeply passionate about preserving nature. The organization’s goal is to protect mammals in Montenegro through scientific research, education, and advocacy, development and promotion of sustainable land use practices, involving and educating the public and especially young people, about the importance of nature conservation and the critical role that mammals play in ecosystems.

BatLife Europe is an international NGO built from a partnership of national bat conservation organisations in Europe, committed to promoting the conservation of all bat species and their habitats throughout Europe. The broad aim of BatLife Europe is to promote the conservation of all wild bat species and their habitats throughout Europe, for the benefit of the public.

The Ecology and Research Association (EID) is established by biologists and nature enthusiasts in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a non-political, non-governmental and non-profit association, aiming at research and environmental protection, towards introducing and realizing the principles of sustainable development.

The Centre for Bat Research and Conservation (CBRC) is a Romanian NGO established in 2017 by several bat enthusiasts across Romania. The CBRC’s purpose is to research and conserve Romanian bats (Chiroptera), as well as their habitats and roosts, in order to protect nature in general, and to strive towards a healthier environment for us all. We currently are implementing a EUROBATS EPI project with colleagues from the Republic of Moldova, and are partners in an international LIFE+ project, coordinated by Poland.

Pro Bilche is an association that aims at scientifically research in Switzerland. Pro Bilche is cooperating with public institutions and other small mammal research groups in Switzerland. Via their projects on Garden Dormice in the Swiss Alps (where still probably the largest population of the species in Europe lives) they have gathered extensive experience in conservation and research of this species.
Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) is one of Britain’s leading mammal conservation organisations. They do research into why mammal populations fall, and apply innovative evidence-based ways of halting and reversing declines in Britain, Ireland, and mainland Europe. Their aim is to conserve threatened mammals with scientifically sound conservation work, which they deliver with their own projects and by providing expert advice to a growing number of partner organisations.

Morcegos.PT is a recently established association, dedicated to the research and conservation of bat populations in Portugal. Morcegos.PT is committed to understanding the ecology of bats and promoting their conservation to ensure the preservation of our natural ecosystems. The organization also aims at addressing the misconceptions about bats and communicating their crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

The Association Minimus was founded in 2018 by a small group of practical working Wildlife biologists to enforce the research and conservation of small mammals in Switzerland. Part of our activities is to organise several meetings per year in order to exchange knowledge and experiences on small mammal conservation. Currently, we have ongoing conservation projects in Switzerland for several endangered species, such as Neomys milleri, Crocidura leucodon and Muscardinus sp. Through our members, we have access to a broad range of monitoring material for small mammals (traps, camera traps, Wildlife detection dogs etc).